Mantas Burcikas

2D Platformer Game - Dragon Adventures

Overview During this project, I explored video game technologies and simulation techniques by developing a 2D platformer game using Unity engine. The project was mainly focused in getting familiar ...

Graphical simulation of an alien planet using Unity3D engine

Overview During this project, I built my skills in graphics programming by creating a graphical simulation of an alien planet surface. The goal of the project was to integrate as many graphical eff...

Image Classification using a Convolutional Neural Network

Overview This project aims to design and train a convolutional neural network (CNN) on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Model over-fitting and poor performance are the main issues in designing a CNN. To solve...

Developing Asset Maintenance Application

Overview During this project, I worked in a team to develop an application for a company called ENGIE, which looked on ways to simplify their assets maintaining process. Furthermore, the company wa...

Thumbnail Maker

Overview In this project, I explored image manipulation using the Pillow Python library. Furthermore, I developed a program that modifies a selection of images of various sizes and file formats and...