Home Graphical simulation of an alien planet using Unity3D engine

Graphical simulation of an alien planet using Unity3D engine


During this project, I built my skills in graphics programming by creating a graphical simulation of an alien planet surface. The goal of the project was to integrate as many graphical effects as I can into the scene, while keeping the frame-rate sufficiently high to maintain an interactive experience. The specification was therefore deliberately open-ended.

Window shadow Cinematic scene images

Workflows used: Git and Agile. Technologies used: Unity, C#, HLSL, ShaderLab.

Note: This project was done as part of assessment for module CSC3231.

Things Done

  • A scene hierarchy where some elements move/rotate in relation to parent objects.
  • Permanent change to the planet surface (meteor crashing into terrain).
  • A navigable camera, moving around the 3D environment.
  • Space-ship, clouds & northern lights graphical effects in the sky.
  • A day/night cycle with appropriate lighting changes.
  • A body of realistic looking water.
  • Planet surface extends as far as the eye can see.
  • Wind effect.

YouTube Video of Project Running

Learning Outcomes

  • Identified appropriate techniques for rendering graphics in real-time.
  • Described graphical representations mathematically.
  • Realised which advanced techniques are required to achieve realism.
  • Used advanced techniques associated with lighting to create realism in graphical scenarios.
  • Balanced processing and memory requirements of multiple graphical effects at cinematic frame rate.

Learn More

For more knowledge about the project, visit my project’s repository.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.