Home Thumbnail Maker

Thumbnail Maker


In this project, I explored image manipulation using the Pillow Python library. Furthermore, I developed a program that modifies a selection of images of various sizes and file formats and converts them to JPEG thumbnails.

Window shadow GUI of the application

Workflows used: Git and Agile. Technologies used: Python.

Note: This project was done as part of assessment for module CSC1034.


  • Read in image files and store them in an appropriate collection ready for modification.
  • Convert the images to thumbnails and name the new files appropriately.
  • Apply various filters to the images using the ImageFilter module.
  • Modify the RGB values of images to produce a new filter.
  • Experiment with the Pillow library and its modules and save what you have produced.

Learning Outcomes

  • Investigated a library’s documentation page to produce code that satisfies an objective.
  • Handled the reading and writing of files.
  • Explored the various applications of a library’s modules to produce different results.
  • Expanded my knowledge of traversing collections to explore the different properties of an image.
  • Used my understanding of a library and produced something creative.

Libraries Investigated

  • Pillow
  • Tkinter
  • Threading

Learn More

For more knowledge about the project, visit my project’s repository.

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